Peas and Pudding; The Story of a Culinary Student

"It takes courage to grow up, and be who you really are." --E. E. Cummings.

Monday, April 11, 2011


"Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends." George Bernard Shaw

Well, hello there long lost readers.

I'm not going to come up with some dumb excuse about why I haven't written about the past couple weeks. It is what it is. All I have to say about it is "Hakuhna Matata".

I'll tell you about Monday, because that was insane.

As I'm sure you have deduced by my prolonged absence, I've been very VERY busy training and trying to make sure that I'm ready for states. But what you don't know, is that Chef Dave has also been training. He's taking the executive chef's test which dwarfs mine into oblivion. So we've been kind of training together, and it's been fun.


One of the elements that is required in the executive chef's test is a whole lobster.

A whole, LIVE, lobster.

The kind that you have to kill in order to cook.

Yeah, that kind.

Generally, I thought, you just throw them into a pot of boiling water. But I guess that you're supposed to kill it before hand.

So here's how it went down.

There was a table set up in the middle of the kitchen, and next to it was a rack. There were various items on this rack, two of which were still alive.
The were named as well. I think it was Tim and Victoria.

One of the fated victims was taken to the board. To make it lay flat, Chef Dave had to flip it upside down. When the lobster was in place, Chef Dave set his knife at the base of his head, and applied pressure.
There was a jump from the lobster and the crowd that had formed around table. From there, everything moved so fast. We ran from the table to the front line where the poor, little guy was launched into a pot of boiling water. I was nominated to hold it down with a pair of tongs.

I'm getting chills just thinking about it.

Thanks for reading, and being troopers... I appreciate it!

Also- Chef Nate, if you're reading this, I think that if it's ok with your girlfriend, you should grow your beard out again. Just saying. :]

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh ohhh ooooooohhhh. My poor poor Aubry. When I read this, I couldn't help but think of the Les poisson scene from Little Mermaid (you used to LOVE that movie-remember?).
    I'm SO happy you're back. I have missed your writing! <3
