Peas and Pudding; The Story of a Culinary Student

"It takes courage to grow up, and be who you really are." --E. E. Cummings.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Past 100 Years

"Absence and Death are the same- only in death there is no suffering." --Theodore Roosevelt

To the remnant of my devoted readers;

The amount of time that I have NOT spent on this blog is completely gross, but I won't waste more of your time that I don't deserve with some paper-thin excuse.

The past couple weeks have consisted of completely monotonous jobs that are hardly worth blogging about, but hey, it's all I got.

During our prolonged absence, I've been boxing the rest of our Christmas cookies. This also entails searching every nook and cranny of the entire tech center building (oh, no... not just culinary, the whole building) for any and all of the rest of our Christmas cookies. But to look on the bright side, once they're done, they're done.

I've also been participating in some other extra credit projects. I worked a party for all of the secretaries in the Wayne/Westland school district.
Probably the easiest party in the history of Modern America.
AND, scored a thirteen dollar tip.

There was another party that I worked the last Friday before Christmas break.
It was a dinner party for the mentally handicapped citizens of Wayne.
I'm telling you, they are possibly the sweetest people out there. So much fun.
I was also given a very generous tip for this party. Try $20. Chef Tony's too good to me.

And since then, I've been on break. And hating it.
I've never wanted to go back to school so badly in my life. The first actual day of break, I was so bored, I wasn't quite sure to do with myself.
Like, seriously. I had NO IDEA what to do.
It got better as the week went on, and got busier, but since Christmas is over, I have a feeling that this next week is going to take forever.

Oh, well. I suppose that I should stop complaining, and just enjoy it, but all I ever do is complain on this bog anyway. I'm sure you guys are use to it by now...

Love you all. Thanks for sticking with me, guys... :]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Case of the Missing Crab.

"An unwatched pot boils immediately." H.F. Ellis

Dear Readers...

Today was rather uneventful, but I thought I'd just give you all a quick update.

I spent my morning battering and frying shrimp. It was considerably messier that I had first imagined that it would be, especially since we were in tighter quarters that usual.

But, as always, we made it work.

After we had finished and cleaned up, Chef Tony had me run around and do some other odd jobs. Then he informed me that he would be leaving, but he wanted me to make crab puffs.

Oh, boy.

I've made them (once) in the past, so I assured him that it would be fine.

So, I went about gathering all of my ingredients, and the first thing that I was worried about was (Obviously) the crab-meat. Chef Tony had told me to ask Chef Dave where he had put it, so I sent one of my toadies to figure out where it was. When Steve (toady) came back, he said that the crab was on the table, and proceeded to walk away.

Ok, that's fine. Just walk away. Whatever.

I looked on every single table in the entire freaking kitchen and finally spotted some.


I went to grab it, and Chef Dave simply told me not to use that crab, and there was some on my rack in the cooler.


I searched high and low, practically combed the entire cooler, and couldn't find the dang stuff.
I pretty much gave it up after about a half an hour, and left to get dressed.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men" --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I love this quote. The kind of love that makes you feel fearless inside. The kind that makes you feel like anything is possible, and that nothing can stop you.

Being the wet blanket that I am, I usually dismiss quotes like this as rubbish. I usually say that they give me an unrealistic view of life as we know it. Sure, there's that occasional underdog that catches his lucky break, but what is that supposed to mean for the rest of us?

Should I continue do this the right way? Finish high school, go on to college, graduate, then what?

Of course I'd like to think that my dreams will move the hearts of men, but often times I view people's hearts as things too far beyond my reach.

...Ok, that's enough of that mess.

Oh, joy of joys! Holiday bake, in addition to baking for the holidays, has taken on a bit of a hot foods flavor. No pun intended.

This week, I've rolled meatballs, battered coconut chicken, whipped mashed potatoes, chopped vegetables, and today, made crab puffs.

To borrow the words from a Christmas song,
"Oh, what fun..."

Speaking of fun, I got to work a party last night.
Invite only.

The event was the Tastefest.
We got the the Hellenic Cultural Center at about 4:30, and set up our tables with a vast array of gorgeous French pastries. The star of which as a French Cocubush(
Every single person who came through the line had something to say about it.

We won the award for best table, and some of our students went up and danced.

I, however didn't.
1. I was in uniform
2. I don't dance.

But it was still fun. :]
Thanks for reading.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Postage... or the lack thereof.

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together." --Vincent van Gough

Patient Readers--

As you can probably tell, this blog has left some to be desired as of the last week.

Allow me to explain.

I have been keeping VERY busy with school (core subjects, that is) and other projects that consume pretty much all of my free time as of late.
Plus, with the holidays upon us, (Happy Channakah!:)) there is very little time that I have to update you all on what has been going on at Culinary.

In holiday bake, we haven't been doing much more than boxing countless dozens of Christmas cookies that are to be sold to the masses, and I am sure that this will continue for some time to come.

I haven't forgotten you.

Au revior mes amoures.