Peas and Pudding; The Story of a Culinary Student

"It takes courage to grow up, and be who you really are." --E. E. Cummings.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Case of the Missing Crab.

"An unwatched pot boils immediately." H.F. Ellis

Dear Readers...

Today was rather uneventful, but I thought I'd just give you all a quick update.

I spent my morning battering and frying shrimp. It was considerably messier that I had first imagined that it would be, especially since we were in tighter quarters that usual.

But, as always, we made it work.

After we had finished and cleaned up, Chef Tony had me run around and do some other odd jobs. Then he informed me that he would be leaving, but he wanted me to make crab puffs.

Oh, boy.

I've made them (once) in the past, so I assured him that it would be fine.

So, I went about gathering all of my ingredients, and the first thing that I was worried about was (Obviously) the crab-meat. Chef Tony had told me to ask Chef Dave where he had put it, so I sent one of my toadies to figure out where it was. When Steve (toady) came back, he said that the crab was on the table, and proceeded to walk away.

Ok, that's fine. Just walk away. Whatever.

I looked on every single table in the entire freaking kitchen and finally spotted some.


I went to grab it, and Chef Dave simply told me not to use that crab, and there was some on my rack in the cooler.


I searched high and low, practically combed the entire cooler, and couldn't find the dang stuff.
I pretty much gave it up after about a half an hour, and left to get dressed.


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