Peas and Pudding; The Story of a Culinary Student

"It takes courage to grow up, and be who you really are." --E. E. Cummings.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Like a G"

"Man is born to eat." -- Craig Claiborne

Sorry it's been a while. Most of what I have to write about happened on Friday, but I neglected to blog.
What the heck kind of logic is that?!

Anyway. Not much happened on Friday until about 20 minutes before I left school. Chef Tony approached me and asked if I would like to join a team that he was organizing to work directly under his direction. He said that we would be doing a lot of baking for Thanksgiving and other holidays.
He also wanted me to compete in a nationwide competition called Skills USA, which is kind of a big deal.

On Monday, I told him that I would like to accept.

I thought he would've wanted me to start immediately, but he told me that he wanted to wait for a little bit. "Maybe next week,"

"Great," I thought. I was pretty sure that I had blown my chances. Maybe if I had accepted right away, I would've had better luck.

I can pretty much only trust that he really does want me to join him, and that he'll come for me when the time is right.

Until then, I'm with Chef Dave. Today I made mushroom pilaf, and helped with making the twice-baked potatoes. I also washed pots and pans as well.

Maybe hoping for a little extra credit?

For anyone who hasn't had twice-baked potatoes, you have no idea what you are missing.

So now, there's just the wait....
I don't exactly know when it is that I'll be starting with Chef Tony, but you guys will certainly get an earful when I do.

Thanks for reading. :]


  1. Love you! & I miss you on facebook :( But at least I get to read about your school! Also, I've never had twice-baked potatoes, but they sound lovely.

  2. Dear Brie: I love your Blog and I love you too!!!! I am so proud of you and what you are accomplishing....Your writing is so fun to read.. You make me smile each time I read what you have written. Then PRIDE kicks in...You are someone to be proud of. God Bless!! Good Luck with the things your Chef Tony plans for you . He must be so very impressed with your skills.....As am I..Lots of Love (LOL) Gramma Jan and Grampa Garry too...
