Peas and Pudding; The Story of a Culinary Student

"It takes courage to grow up, and be who you really are." --E. E. Cummings.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Apples, Delicious Apples.

"The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook." --Julia Child

Bake Shop; Bake Shop; the adventures we have!

Well, today my morning was bombarded with Apples. Apple cakes, apple pies, apples compote, all of them simply marvelous. I've rediscovered my love affair with the blessed fruit that had left off last year.
They are, in a word, scrumptious.

The day started with a fellow junior baker (who's last name is, get this, McIntosh:)) and I rolling pie dough, which was slightly more successful than last time. I then filled them with sliced apples with some cinnamon sugar and flour.

Chef Mary needed some other help with some odd jobs around the bake shop that I busied myself with until A-shift left. When they did, I was the only student left in the bake shop, which greatly aided the communication flow for the last hour between Chef Mary and I.

To be honest, I don't think that she gets upset when I keep asking her what she wants me to do. I just think that sometimes she needs to be refocused. Don't we all?

We soon found out that some apple cakes that had been made earlier in the morning did NOT turn out. They tasted really good, but weren't presentation-worthy. We decided that in order to salvage what we could of the cakes, I would make an apple compote to be served over it. The idea of it was already melting in my mouth.

I had never made a compote before, but I had seen them made (on tv.), so I gave it a shot. C'mon, how bad could it be?

For everyone who doesn't know what a compote is, the one that I made was basically a cooked-down mixture of apples, cinnamon, sugar, flour, and water. Its positively ambrosial.

Well, after what seemed like an eternity of cooking down of all the ingredients, it was ready for the oven.
Sweet Success.

Thanks for reading, everyone.

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