Peas and Pudding; The Story of a Culinary Student

"It takes courage to grow up, and be who you really are." --E. E. Cummings.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Endless Boxes...

"A cookbook is only as good as it's worst recipe." --Julia Child

I'm sure it would be safe to say that I have spent a considerable amount of time in the back store room at school.

Some days it's rotating stock, today it was organizing boxes.
Oddly enough, I was happy to do the job.

Chef Mary took me aside, and asked me to do it. She said that one of her reasons for asking me was because she knew that she wouldn't have to "hold my hand". Trying not to let that go to my head. :]

Of course, that particular chore sounds more glamorous (well, as glamorous as pantry work can be.) than it really was. I spent the better part of about an hour and a half trying to find a home for each of the boxes. Rather tedious work.

But I had a considerable amount of visitors, which made the job a little bit better. Some of them needed help finding the coarse sugar, or ginger, which gave me a break every once in a while.

When I finally got finished sorting the plethora of boxes, I went into the kitchen, and Chef Tony asked me to help another student make some doughnut holes.

She had the port-a-fryer hooked up in the classroom on the counter. Kinda weird. =/
My job was to take the freshly-fried dough, and roll it in either cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar.
We made A TON. Chef Tony said that they were a practice for when we had to make 8,000 of them next week.
HOLY COW. That's a lot of freaking doughnuts.

So, that was my Thursday. Thanks for reading. <3

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